Life with Corona hits media outlets around the world
Last week’s report launch and the release of the round two survey has been covered widely in media worldwide, including many high-profile news outlets.

UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) supports Life with Corona
UK Research and Innovation (UKRI), who is one of the key partners for Life with Corona, has highlighted our research project on their website.

HiCN Call for Papers “Social unrest and violent conflict in times of pandemics”
The world is experiencing an shock of massive proportions, with a host of unexplored questions and uncertain answers.

Life with Corona featured in Der Spiegel
Europe’s largest weekly magazine Der Spiegel wrote a feature about the Life with Corona project, for which they interviewed the project’s co-founder Professor Tilman Brück

Four pillars of the Life with Corona survey
Life with Corona focuses on understanding how the spread of the coronavirus influences the lives of those who, both directly and indirectly, experience the pandemic.

Global Participation! More languages are now available.
We have received responses from across the globe! Thank you for taking part in the “Life with Corona” Study.

Take part and help us spread the word
Life with Corona captures the voices and moods of people around the world who are exposed to the major upheaval brought by the Coronavirus crisis.

Blog: How do we live with coronavirus?
People who live through extreme events are, often deeply, altered by the experiences they have. Even when those experiences take place predominantly in the physical realm, they are also events of consciousness.

Life with Corona in Der Tagesspiegel
Der Tagesspiegel, a German daily newspaper published an article about the Life with Corona survey shortly after the survey was released.